Illuminated feedback in an online classroom: Will it help or hinder?

N. Zandbergen

Illuminated feedback, Biofeedback, Students, Online, Design research, Group coherence

Due to the many uncertainties that the current COVID-19 outbreak carries, there are worries about the mental health of many students. This research shows whether biofeedback can help students in these times, by delivering illuminated feedback during online classes. This paper analyses existing literature on the area of illuminated biofeedback online, and adds to existing research by presenting the results of an online questionnaire as well as results of an exploratory user study. From the literature research it can be concluded that there is potential in the technique of illuminated biofeedback to support students by soothing stressed users and increasing group coherence. The user study showed an increased sense of coherence while using the technology. However, from the questionnaire and user study, several subjects indicated to feel exposed when sharing their emotional state individually and preferred feedback on group level. In conclusion, illuminated biofeedback carries potential to connect students by adding new forms of expression during online classes. Additional research should verify what this technology can bring in online classrooms.
